Thursday, 26 March 2009

Shout out for Good service...

Just wanted to say that I had absolutely wonderful service from the boys at Vermeys butcher in Sandy Bay today. WEnt in and very vaguely asked for 2kg of chicken pieces with bone. Neal came out and asked me what I was cooking, how was it being cooked and how long for, and devised a plan that involved Chicken marylands, a cleaver and chopping, along with a discussion about how chicken is used differently in different dishes. I learnt something, bought the meat I needed, and ended up enjoying a lovely meal of sherry infused roast chicken this evening which looked almost EXACTLY like the picture in the magazine. So THANK YOU!


PolishNate said...

Hey nice blog!

What you did with the chicken sounded amazing. I love cooking with wine,sherry, anything booze! More people don't really know how much flavour some alcohols have

Tassiegal said...

Thanks Nate....its nice to know some ppl read my ramblings! And the chicken was amazing....recipe is online if you want to try it.

Mary said...

Ahhh - yes! I'd forgotten about Vermey's. They are very friendly and helpful. I haven't been there since my Sandy Bay days.... being carless tends to limit my food purchasing to my local area. Thanks for the reminder - I may have to make a special effort to rediscover Vermey's.

Anonymous said...

Ive got an original Mrs Beetons!
Bought by a thoughtful husband.
You can get a facsimilie book but not quite the same is it?